Lower Back Pain Specialist

Jia Park, M.D. -  - Family Medicine Practice

Comprehensive Family Medical Practice

Jia Park, M.D.

Family Medicine Practice located in Bayside, NY

Lower back pain is a common complaint that nearly 80% of adults in the United States experience at some point in their life. If you have lower back pain and live in or near the Bayside neighborhood of Queens, New York, Jia Park, MD, at Comprehensive Family Medical Practice can provide treatment to relieve your discomfort. Call today or schedule an appointment.

Lower Back Pain Q & A

What is lower back pain?

Lower back pain is discomfort that occurs in the area of your lumbar spine, which starts is a few inches below your shoulder blades and ends at the top of your buttocks. The severity of pain varies from a dull ache to sharp sensations. The pain may come on quickly after an accident or develop slowly over time.

Most people with lower back pain only experience discomfort for a few days, which is referred to as acute low back pain. If you’ve experienced the same back pain for three months or more, your pain is considered chronic.

What causes low back pain?

Most back pain is caused by a mechanical issue affecting a component of your lower back, such as the muscles, ligaments, nerves, or vertebrae. Spondylosis, which is a general degeneration of the discs, joints, and bones that make up your spine, is one of the most common causes of lower back pain.

Other mechanical causes of lower back pain include:

  • Sprains and strains from injury or overuse
  • Herniated disc, a disc that’s compressed or bulged
  • Sciatica, irritation of the sciatic nerve
  • Spinal stenosis, narrowing of the spinal column
  • Radiculopathy, compression of a nerve

Although less common, an underlying health condition can also cause lower back pain. These health conditions include infection, tumor, or kidney stones.

Dr. Park conducts a thorough examination to determine the cause of your back pain. To help her with her assessment, it’s important for you to provide as much information as possible, including any possible injuries or activities that you think may be related to your back pain.

You may need diagnostic testing to determine the cause, including X-rays, MRIs, or computerized tomography (CT) scans.

What treatments are available for lower back pain?

Treatment for your back pain often depends on the cause. If your pain is from an acute injury, over-the-counter pain medication, ice, heat, and rest may be all you need to feel more like your usual self.

If your lower back pain is a chronic condition, Dr. Park may recommend:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Anticonvulsant medication
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage therapy

Acupuncture is also an effective treatment for lower back pain. Dr. Park is a medically licensed acupuncturist who provides acupuncture treatment to relieve pain at her office.

For relief from lower back pain, call Comprehensive Family Medical Practice. The office has plenty of parking to make your visit as easy as possible.